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How Scholarships Have Positively Impacted a Lot of Students

University and college education is very expensive. Many people are forced to forego college or university education due to these high costs. Other students get admitted to college, but after some time, they drop out because they cannot keep up with the costs. However, college scholarship has benefited a lot of students. Needy students can apply and qualify for college scholarships with ease. Governments, non-governmental organizations, and other institutions have been at the forefront in providing scholarships to needy students. The impact of these actions is evident. The main reason why universities are expensive is the high tuition costs. Tuition costs are rising with each day. Scholarships have helped students not feel the effect of the rising tuition costs. Therefore, needy students no longer drop out of school when they run out of cash.

Numerous students have part-time jobs. These jobs are for financing their university fees. Some of these jobs are demanding, and they take too much of a student's time and energy. By the end of the work period, students are exhausted to the point that they cannot properly focus on their studies. These lead to a drop in their grades, and by the time they are graduating, they have low grades that cannot help them establish a career. Scholarships offered by the UConn student Jasdeep Singh have helped many students focus on their studies as they no longer have to get part-time jobs.

To finance university education and upkeep, most students take loans. You will find some students have several loans. Students loans, even though they help students have an easy time while at university, they are expensive. The interest in these loans is too high because thousands of students fail to service them upon graduation. In the end, a student's end up suffering even though they managed to complete their university without any fees' complication. Scholarships are not loans. Therefore, students do not pay back after graduation. Since jasdeep singh values education, he offers scholarships that decrease the number of loans students take when in university.

Students who are in the gap between high and low-income levels are neglected during the awarding of scholarships. If one does not qualify for need-based scholarships or merit-based scholarships but still needs financial assistance to complete higher education, they can apply for other scholarships. Also, scholarships teach students the importance of philanthropy. As a student who did not have the finances to complete higher education, you will realize the importance of helping the needy when you reach a point that you can assist other people. Here is a related post that provides you with more info about this topic:

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